Okay, so here's the deal; Yesterday, I didn't have any food or available meat to cook and was starving! If anyone knows me well enough, they're probably aware of my avid addiction to heavy red meat. Clearly, I was in utter despair because all I had in my fridge were vegetables.After pulling all the produce out of my fridge, I realized I had four red bell peppers and since I've never tried making stuffed peppers before, I'd make some with a recipe from scratch.Since it is from scratch I can only give you rough measurements, but the stuffing was enough to fill all four of the peppers so I'll try my best to remember the amount of everything I put in.
INGREDIENTS 4 red bell peppersfor the stuffing:1 1/2 cups Steamed White Rice1 Large Egg3/4 cup of a finely diced yellow potato1/4 cup of diced white onion1/4 cup of diced tomato3 tsp lemon juice1/2 tsp ground sage1/2 tsp ground oregano1/2 tsp ground thyme1 tsp ground cayenne pepper (use more or less depending on how spicy you want it)
Instructions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a 9X9 baking dish (I personally used glass baking dish), fill the bottom with water up to roughly a centimeter high (or a half an inch).Cut the caps off the 4 red bell peppers. Place the peppers inside the baking dish in a standing position. When the oven is preheated, cover the bell peppers with foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes covered.STUFFING:In an oiled frying pan, on medium-high heat, sauté potatoes and onions until lightly browned. Remove from heat.For the seasoning, in a small bowl, mix the sage, oregano, cayenne, thyme and lemon juice.In a larger bowl, mix the steamed rice, with the egg and tomatoes until thoroughly mixed.Mix in the sauteed onions, sautéed potatoesOn medium-high heat, lightly fry the stuffing in an oiled pan, mix in the seasoning gradually.When the rice is lightly browned/golden, remove from heat.

This should take roughly 30 minutes or less while the peppers are in the oven. Once the covered peppers are in the oven for 30 minutes, remove the foil and place back in the oven between 20-30 more minutes or until the peppers look roasted.When the peppers are done, remove from the oven and fill them with the stuffing, accordingly. There should be enough stuffing, maybe even an excess, to stuff the four peppers.Once you're done stuffing the peppers, you may top it with a sauce of choice, I, however, left the peppers and stuffing as is, though some may choose to top it with sour cream, hot sauce, or ketchup.And that is my no-meat, stuffed pepper recipe from scratch.BON APPÉTIT!
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